Salt Trader's Coastal Kitchen

Sustainably sourced,
community driven


Salt Traders Coastal Cooking is a restaurant that brings the taste of coastal cuisine to the land locked city of Austin, TX. Beloved restaurateurs Chef Jack Gilmore and Tom Kamm of Jack Allen’s Kitchen crafted this new concept, creating a dining experience that takes their customers on a journey to the coast. Translating that experience to their customers was an exciting challenge that we were ready to dive into.

Post Launch Results

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Fresh, Locally Sourced

After our successful partnership on the Jack Allen’s Kitchen website, we once again worked closely with their agency on record, Arrow, to build this new experience. A mostly established brand was evolved and fresh with new elements that the folks at Arrow were eager to begin using. The delicate linework with a nautical touch in the brand inspired us to create waves that floated up to load the homepage and settled your eye on the footer.

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Challenges to Navigate

The team at Salt Traders came to us with a similar site to Jack Allen’s Kitchen. Issues with orders and reservations were hurting the day to day operations of the restaurants. Their approachable high end aesthetic was missing and the personality of the brand was not explored. We emulated the successful user journeys we created with Jack’s while giving the new site its own shine.

At a Glance

Before, meet After

The website was built using responsive design principles, ensuring that it looks great on any device, from desktops to smartphones. It is also optimized for search engines, making it easy for potential diners to find Salt Traders Coastal Cooking online. Overall, the website for Salt Traders Coastal Cooking successfully captures the essence of the restaurant, providing visitors with an enticing taste of the coast and a clear understanding of what makes this restaurant special.

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